 of 5
Purchase ID 4
Purchase Number Purchase-00000000002
PurchaseDate 2017/03/21 17:00:54
Supplier ID Supplier-00000000001
Notes No
Total Amount ₹ 1,125
Total Payment ₹ 7,125
Total Balance -₹ 6,000
Date Added 2017-03-21 17:00:54
Added By Administrator
Date Updated 2017-03-21 17:04:21
Updated By Administrator
 of 5

Purchases Detail

Supplier Number
Stock Item
No. of items in Measurement
Total Measurements
Purchasing Quantity
Purchasing Price
Selling Price
Purchasing Total Amount
Supplier-00000000001 Stock-000000007 0 1 3 3 ₹ 375.00 ₹ 375.00 ₹ 1,125.00