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Option ID 1
Option Default
Default Theme Blue
Font Name Verdana
Font Size 14px
Show Border Layout
Show Shadow Layout
Menu Horizontal
Vertical Menu Width 150
Show Announcement No
Demo Mode
Show Page Processing Time
Allow User Preferences
SMTP Server
SMTP Server Port 25
SMTP Server Username
SMTP Server Password
Sender Email
Recipient Email
Use Default Locale
Default Language en
Default Timezone Asia/Jakarta
Default Thousands Separator .
Default Decimal Point ,
Default Currency Symbol Rp 
Default Money Thousands Separator .
Default Money Decimal Point ,
Maintenance Mode
Maintenance Finish Date Time 2013/11/12 00:00:00
Auto Normal After Maintenance
Allow User To Register
Suspend New User Account
User Need Activation After Registered
Show Captcha On Registration Page
Show Terms And Conditions On Registration Page
User Auto Login After Activation Or Registration
Show Captcha On Login Page
Show Captcha On Forgot Password Page
Show Captcha On Change Password Page
User Auto Logout After Idle In Minutes 60
User Login Maximum Retry 2
User Login Retry Lockout 1
Redirect To Last Visited Page After Login
Enable Password Expiry
Password Expiry In Days 30
Show Entire Header
Logo Width 480
Show Site Title In Header
Show Current User In Header
Text Align In Header Right
Site Title Text Style Uppercase
Language Selector Visibility Hide Them All
Language Selector Align Right
Pagination Position Top and Bottom
Pagination Style Button
Selectable Records Per Page 1,2,3,5,7,10,15,20,50,100,500,1000
Selectable Groups Per Page 1,2,3,4,5,10
Default Record Per Page 10
Default Group Per Page 3
Maximum Selected Records 50
Maximum Selected Groups 5
Show Page Num If Record Not Over Pagesize
Table Width Style 100%
Scroll Table Width 1200
Scroll Table Height 400
Search Panel Collapsed
Filter Panel Collapsed
Show Record Number On List Page
Show Empty Table On List Page
Rows Vertical Align Top
Action Button Alignment Left
Show Add Success Message
Show Edit Success Message
j Query Auto Hide Success Message
Use Javascript Message
Login Window Type Default
Forgot Password Window Type Default
Change Password Window Type Default
Registration Window Type Default
Show Record Number On Detail Preview
Show Empty Table In Detail Preview
Detail Preview Table Width 0
Password Minimum Length 4
Password Maximum Length 20
Password Must Contain At Least One Lower Case
Password Must Comply With Minumum Length
Password Must Comply With Maximum Length
Password Must Contain At Least One Upper Case
Password Must Contain At Least One Numeric
Password Must Contain At Least One Symbol
Password Must Be Difference Between Old And New
Reset Password Field Options Email
Export Record Options All Pages
Show Record Number On Exported List Page
Use Table Setting For Export Field Caption
Use Table Setting For Export Original Value
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